You control a waitress, the only one working at the Yum Burger, and you have to:
- greet clients;
- let them seat on an empty booth;
- take the order;
- go to the cooks’ platter and serve the order;
- at last clean the tables and collect the tips they leave.
Use the left click to perform all actions.
Don’t let the clients wait for too long or their smile will turn into a red face: to be sincere, I never had the opportunity to see the smiley face get orange and then red
because the game is very easy; I just saw the red face a while ago while taking a screenshot from the game, taking my time to resize and save with GIMP2 while the game was running in the background.
Unfortunately the score is mostly affected by pure random, because if two or three tables in a row are asking for the same kind of food (let’s say the fries) you have to wait until the cook produce a new item of that kind. So skill is absolutely not the main requirement.
Tips and tricks:
When game gets faster you better find clients a seat following a sequential order not a random one, let’s say: 1st client on the upper left, 2nd on the upper right, 3rd on the middle left, middle right bottom left, bottom right and so on. This way you can immediately tell which client to serve next or is waiting for too long.
Other tip, keep an eye on the timer! When less than 30 seconds left keep well in mind that collecting the last tips is the main goal, simply ignore newcomers.
My best score: 1830
August 15th, 2008 at 3:34 pm
hello my name is silvia
eres la mejor veo tu serie y tengo tu juego dime cuanto hiciste la serie esa de unfavulousi esque el chico esta muy bueno jijiji XD bueno que eres la mejor
March 8th, 2011 at 5:16 pm
I simply wish to say, aside from the details (i.e., not agreeing or disagreeing with anything at all in this post of yours or some others), that I believe your blog posts, with the premises as well as sense of arguments outlined and evaluated in a methodized manner, is fantastic. Far too much content in the blogosphere consists of sweeping or obscure assertions as well as assorted rhetoric, rather than the educated approach you have.