Say Moticon
![]() Create an emoticon on-the-fly and let it say your message in balloons. Use it on your website, blog or forums to have fun with your friends.
![]() Are you a vaper? Create your e-signature on-the-fly and show how long you've been vaping for and which e-cig model you like. Especially useful for forums signature.
Check out this powerful tool for searching info about a word, a name, a place, in whatever language! And get tons of info all at once, about how it looks, how it is pronounced, how his/her face look like in case it's a person, get videos about it.
Heracleum Palindrome
![]() New website! A community of Palindrome creators. You can simply browse the palindrome sentences, read, comment and like... or join the community and start creating your own palindromes. It's easier than you might imagine, especially using the editor and other tools that will greatly assist you. Latest posts about Tools: 12 07 2015 20:37:51 - Come se fosse Responsive Il Generatore di Supercazzole è ora felicemente Responsive adattandosi al display dei vari dispositivi mobili e tablet. 01 03 2011 12:58:34 - Request new e-cig models for e-sig signature generator Info: e-sig generator creates a dynamic signature showing how long you’re vaping for and your favourite electronic cigarette models as background image.
Go to e-signature generator
Please request here the addition of a new image and e-cigarette model if you can’t find it in the drop-down list of available background images in the e-sig form.
Leave a [...] 01 03 2011 12:29:18 - Richieste immagini per il generatore di firme e-sig Info: per ’signature’ o firma si intende la striscia in fondo ad ogni post nei forum; tipicamente si aggiunge anche un banner, quindi un’immagine. Invece delle solite immagini ’statiche’ è possibile aggiungere anche firme dinamiche. “e-sig” genera firme dove puoi scegliere il modello di sigaretta elettronica che stai usando o che preferisci.
Vai al generatore [...] 11 07 2010 11:22:30 - Search and Pronunciation tool feedback Hello,
have you already visited my pronunciation tool to search for images, videos and pronunciation?
In case, would you like to leave a feedback comment?
bugs (error messages, anything not working properly)
strange search results (please consider it’s Google API returning results)
layout problems (is the page displaying incorrectly on your browser?)
Please, provide the necessary details, like:
target language (the one [...] 01 01 2008 06:35:04 - Commenti a Say-Moticon Beta Il nuovo Say-Moticon, basato sul vecchio e obsoleto editor di faccine con fumetto che trovate qui, è ora disponibile su questo sito in versione Beta (quasi Alfa direi): prima di tutto per obbligarmi a velocizzare e concluderne lo sviluppo, in secondo luogo per cominciare a raccogliere nuovi pareri su questa versione avanzata, creata proprio per [...] |